The Secret to Delegation Success: How to Handle Your Virtual Real Estate Assistants

by va_admin on August 1, 2014


If you want to be successful as a realtor, whether you’re delegating tasks to a full time virtual assistant or a team of virtual office temps, you always need to have a professional attitude towards them. Following are a few quick tips on what you need to look out for when dealing with your REVAs.

Tips for Successful Interaction

So where shout you really start? Here are three of the most important guidelines that real estate agents delegating to REVAs should take note of:

  • First of all, remember that you get what you paid for. You might get a less qualified REVA in exchange for a smaller hourly rate, but you can’t expect miracles from them, so act accordingly. Ultimately, patiently training your new online personal assistant might pay off.
  • Communication skills are extremely important – not just for REVAs, but for realtors as well. You can’t expect your virtual assistant to perform well if you can’t give them precise definitions and instructions on what you need them to do for you.
  • Now let’s take a look at the big one: trust and professional attitude. Remember, you’re buying your REVAs’ time and expertise, not their souls. So don’t expect them to work overtime or go overboard with their dedication towards your business – unless, of course, you pay them for that. And this goes both ways, as well: quickly dispose of the services of a lazy virtual assistant, or one that you can’t trust.

Where to Get the Best REVAs

Of course, while it’s important to keep these guidelines in mind, the higher you aim for a professional real estate assistance service, the less you’ll have to worry about REVAs that won’t perform like you need them to.

REVA HQ is one of the few places where you can get quality virtual assistance for almost any types of tasks you may need to delegate as a realtor. Also, once you’ve set up a working system that your virtual real estate assistants will quickly be able to adapt to, your business will start working like a well-oiled money making machine.

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