How to Successfully Hire and Work with Your First Online Personal Assistant

by va_admin on July 31, 2014

Young woman is signing financial contract with male realtor. Close-up.

As a realtor, it can be difficult to work out exactly how to get virtual assistance online for delegating those tedious, time consuming tasks that are keeping you back from becoming successful.

There are, however, a few simple steps to getting your point across to your real estate virtual assistants (REVAs), and making sure they will know exactly how to approach all the difficult and confusing problems that may arise along the way.

Before Hiring an Online Personal Assistant

So you’re a realtor with a lot of ideas and not nearly enough time to implement them, and you’ve decided to leverage your business with the help of a reliable real estate virtual assistant. How do you go about doing this?

Well, first of all, regardless of whether you’re hiring someone off a freelance work site or a professional virtual assistant service, you will need to sit down and discuss the specifics of your business with your new employee. This means taking a lot of notes on what the actual tasks required will consist of even before hiring anyone, then organizing them into a detailed job description.

Better Chances for Success with Virtual Assistance Companies

Unlike an individual virtual assistant, a company such as REVA HQ can provide you with far better expertise, a larger amount of workforce and virtual assistants who already know how to handle most aspects of the work you will be assigning to them.

So will that solve all your problems? Even with the help of a virtual assistant company, you still need to provide a few simple guidelines and instructions on how the work has to be done, and the small amount of training time required may still set you back on your progress to a mild extent.

Nevertheless, a professionally trained online personal assistant provided by a reliable REVA company can definitely offer you a higher level of assistance, increased speed, and ultimately, an easier way to make a lot of money with real estate.

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