There are many real estate agents that struggle to make ends meet in this highly competitive business. Any small advantage can give you the edge in this field that can turn a sluggish business into a highly successful entity. Delegating a virtual assistant to do most of the office work and advertising could prove invaluable Read more

Being a realtor has many rewarding aspects, but frustrating moments as well. There are many minuscule tasks that, when added up, take most of the actual time you spend at work. Ever wondered how it would be like to follow just the most important leads and have someone else deal with the tedious activities related Read more

If this is the first time you consider hiring a VA, you must be having a lot of questions on your mind. To make things easier for you, here are some answers to the most important questions you may have. Must my virtual assistant have a license in real estate?  Since VAs working in real Read more

Many realtors see their career as a job they work for rather than a business that works for them – and that’s a shame. Even some of the industry’s top professionals have lost this huge distinction. One of the largest factors that prevent people working in real estate from truly enjoying a business that serves Read more