Some Answers to Questions You May Have Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant – Real Estate Considerations

by va_admin on August 14, 2014

If this is the first time you consider hiring a VA, you must be having a lot of questions on your mind. To make things easier for you, here are some answers to the most important questions you may have.

  1. Must my virtual assistant have a license in real estate?

 Since VAs working in real estate do not generally handle sales and their tasks don’t include sending specific property information to clients, they typically don’t need a real estate license.

  1. What are the things VAs cannot help me with?

 Virtual assistants typically handle administrative work. They are not business coaches, consultants or tax advisors, and they do not handle accounting (though some may do bookkeeping). They are not technology consultants or web developers, though some can design your website and keep it up to date.

  1. Will my virtual assistant be on my payroll?

 Shortly, no. Virtual assistants are independent contractors. You will not be responsible for benefits, taxes, insurance or ERISA or OSHA requirements. The only thing you should do is to send them the annual 1099 tax form with all the payments for the previous year.

  1. Where do I get a good VA?

 Since real estate virtual assistance have been in high demand lately, if you ask within your network, you will most probably find someone to recommend you a skilled professional. If not, searching online directories or companies specialized in training and placing VAs, such as REVA HQ, would be the easiest way to find a match for you. To check their background, you can easily find virtual assistant reviews online.

  1. How will I know what I’m spending my money for?

 To know exactly what you are paying for, simply ask for supporting documentation or an itemized invoice that indicates the amount of time spent on specific tasks. Also, there are various programs that can actually track the time spent on specific projects, as well as the websites or applications used by the VAs during work hours. All trustworthy real estate assistants, such as those at, work with such software to ensure you that you are not throwing your money down the window.

If you have any other questions regarding virtual assistants, contact REVA HQ – we will be glad to be of assistance.

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