Which Aspects of Your Business are Best Outsourced to Virtual Real Estate Assistant?

by va_admin on August 8, 2014


Today, more and more businesses and companies are hiring at least one virtual executive assistant in order to outsource a part of the tasks they need completing. Realtors are perhaps those professionals who benefit the most from hiring a skilled virtual real estate assistant or two, since some of the most important aspects of their jobs are often extremely repetitive and time consuming – tasks such as writing and posting ads and taking phone calls can easily be outsourced to a skilled VA.

One of the most common aspects outsourced to virtual assistants is bookkeeping: This allows businesses to someone else to check up on unpaid bills and outstanding invoices. This often involves sharing control of bank accounts, however – something realtors should be cautious of doing, given the large amounts of money they manage.

Delegating more common and repetitive tasks such as answering phones, posting ads and replying to emails is a key aspect of a partnership with a virtual real estate assistant. A skilled and professions real estate VA can take over for you in these departments and free your timetable for the more important matters such as client meetings – giving you the time you need to close deals and keep your business profitable.

Some virtual assistant companies specialized in real estate – such as REVAHQ.com – offer very efficient services like the ability to delegate listings and postings to them. They will write and post ads on all relevant specialty websites, as well as handle any incoming phone calls and emails related to these ads, forwarding the important ones to you. On top of that, many virtual assistant companies offer free trials in order to gain trust and to help get your partnership started – and REVA HQ is no exception.

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