The USA’s Top Ten Work-from-Home States

by va_admin on June 29, 2014



The US is home to millions of hardworking individuals employed in a myriad of different jobs and professions, a number of which – fortunately for some – can be done without ever leaving your house. There is an increase in the interest for jobs that can be done from home or remotely, with some states having a much higher concentration of such job seeker than others. These states are (in order, from the highest number of people wishing for a home job to the lowest):

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. New York
  5. Georgia
  6. Virginia
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Colorado
  9. North Carolina
  10. New Jersey

California – the number one state on our list – is a highly tech-orientated state, with many people working in IT and Internet-based industries, which explains why its home to the highest concentration of job seekers wishing to work from home. Californians are at the forefront of working from home, with many employing a virtual assistant for their virtual jobs.

For comparison, here is the list of the 10 states with the highest number of remote job opportunities:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. New York
  5. Illinois
  6. Georgia
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Virginia
  9. North Carolina
  10. Ohio

As you can see, 7 out of 10 states are present on both lists, including the top 4 places which match exactly. This bodes well for those interested in virtual jobs, since the interest in such work opportunities seems to be proportional with the number of available jobs of the kind. The only 3 states on our list where there are far more people interested than there are remote job opportunities are Colorado, Illinois, and New Jersey.

And for those of you not in one of the 10 states listed above: do not be discouraged. There are a large number of worldwide remote jobs available as well, so job seekers should in no way let their location limit their work-seeking options.

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