Steps to Successfully Outsourcing Tasks to a Virtual Assistant – Real Estate Tips

by va_admin on August 11, 2014


Is working in real estate becoming more of a burden than a dream come true? Have you missed great business opportunities because you were buried in menial advertising and administrative tasks? Do you have routine work items you really hate doing which take time away from actually meeting clients and closing?

If you’re nodding your head thinking “I know exactly what you’re saying”, it may be time to outsource. Here are a few important steps to follow to successfully delegate your work to the best virtual assistant for you.

  1. Assess the routine tasks you don’t like doing. For one week, keep a log of your activities and determine which of them can only be handled by you and which could be done by a VA.
  1. Put together a list of potential VAs. Ask for some recommendations within your own network, or look online for a solution. There are great companies out there, like REVA HQ, that specialize in training and placing real estate VAs. It won’t hurt to check out some online virtual assistant reviews either, to see what past or current clients of a specific service have to say about them.
  1. Screen the candidates for professionalism and, most importantly, compatibility. There are countless skilled VAs with tons of experience, but if they are not highly knowledgeable about the real estate field or don’t fit your work style, you won’t be able to make the most out of them.
  1. Start with a small test. Once you believe you have found the best virtual assistant for you, first delegate just a small project to them to see if you were right about them.
  1. Hire slowly, but fire fast. Even if your VA has a brilliant start, you may discover that, after a while, things start turning sour. If they start missing deadlines or repeat the same mistakes over and over, it’s a sign you need to call it quits.

Follow these simple tips and you will surely have a successful work relationship with your VA. If you don’t know where to look for the right candidate to hire virtual assistant companies like can find the ideal person to help grow your business.

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