Starting Your First REVA Delegation Strategy: What Can Virtual Assistants Really Do?

by va_admin on July 9, 2014


When hiring REVAs – Real Estate Virtual Assistants – you gain the benefit of freeing up a lot of the time you’d otherwise spend on your real estate business. Then you can do anything with it – from relaxing at home to spending more time on the tasks you actually enjoy doing.

But to what extent can a VA really help you? And is it a good idea to delegate anything and everything? Let’s find out!

Figuring Out What to Delegate

There’s an easy way to find out what you should and shouldn’t delegate to virtual assistant services. Just ask yourself: “what are the two most crucial parts of making money from real estate?”

The answer is simple:

  • Showing properties to prospective clients;
  • Negotiating a deal;
  • Closing a deal.

These are the most essential tasks of a real estate business, as well as the most fun – since that’s where the money’s coming from.

Everything else can be delegated! This includes all the tasks involved with lead generation and lead follow up (although some realtors prefer to keep those for themselves), as well as working with the Multiple Listing System, scheduling showings and preparing closing papers.

Getting Started with Your First REVAs

Now, should you hire a real estate assistant for everything?

Depending on your strategy, it’s probably a good idea to start small, and use real estate VAs to get your phone ringing first. They can back to clients and prospects as quickly as possible, and make sure all the required information is passed on accurately.

The REVAHQ Starter Packet is perfect for that! For an affordable fee, you can get all the ads you need to start making some real money with your real estate business, as well as a decent amount of REVA hours to help free up some of your valuable time.

After getting the ball rolling, there’s a lot more you can do to improve your business as a realtor. It’s all about managing your VAs and choosing the right virtual assistant services for gradually increasing your profits while leading a balanced and fulfilled life!

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