If you keep telling yourself that you cannot afford to pay a personal assistant but you also don’t have time to breathe when trying to properly run your business, then you should stop being a lone realtor and start delegating work to a virtual assistant. The lone ranger mentality has proven its flaws, especially Read more

 Since more and more real estate agents have started investing in real estate virtual assistant (REVA) services, there have been many cases in which virtual assistant rates have gone up. If you’ve been a realtor for some time, you know exactly how much demand can influence pricing. However, does this mean you have to invest Read more

If you are barely handling all tasks and you feel as if you’re not really making an improvement with your real estate business, perhaps it is time to consider hiring a virtual assistant. The sooner you start delegating, the better your business will run and your productivity will increase. Getting rid of the old mentality Read more

In many cases, hiring a virtual assistant service can help realtors make a lot more money than they would performing all the tasks required for running a real estate business by themselves. Aside from saving time and keeping their business more organized, a lot of real estate agents today claim that they have experienced a Read more