One of the best things you could do to get your real estate business to start closing more deals and increase revenue is to get a trusted virtual assistant for help. Successful realtors have already discovered the benefits of leveraging their business with the help of a virtual assistant, so why don’t you? What does Read more
If you feel that your real estate business isn’t running as it should, then you are probably trying to do everything all by yourself. You must understand that you cannot be the only player in such a complex business, and only by adding a virtual assistant to your team can you succeed in this highly Read more
If you’re struggling with your real estate business, and your income doesn’t allow you to hire a full time assistant, then you should not despair. The market for virtual assistants is on the rise, and you will be able to get help in those activities you don’t have time for and allow yourself to Read more
If your real estate business isn’t going as you would like it to and there is a lack of progress despite your great efforts, then this might be the cause of trying to do everything on your own. You should acknowledge the fact that you need help and start delegating work so that you Read more
If you keep telling yourself that you cannot afford to pay a personal assistant but you also don’t have time to breathe when trying to properly run your business, then you should stop being a lone realtor and start delegating work to a virtual assistant. The lone ranger mentality has proven its flaws, especially Read more
Since more and more real estate agents have started investing in real estate virtual assistant (REVA) services, there have been many cases in which virtual assistant rates have gone up. If you’ve been a realtor for some time, you know exactly how much demand can influence pricing. However, does this mean you have to invest Read more