What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Wyoming?

Wyoming Real Estate Commission

Since more and more real estate professionals in Wyoming choose to hire unlicensed assistants and delegate some of their office work, the Wyoming Real Estate Commission has issued specific regulations stating what activities can be performed by these assistants and which ones should remain the sole responsibility of the licensee.

No matter if you hire a personal assistant or a virtual real estate assistant, the latter being an excellent option for professionals on a budget and without a physical office, you should pay attention to the following list of activities that your assistant is not allowed to undertake:

  • Host an open house;
  • Provide more information about a property or a transaction than what you have already approved.
  • Schedule discussions with property owners or potential clients and negotiating agreements on your behalf.
  • Receive commissions from the transactions you close – if you are really happy with his or her work, you can give him or her a bonus every now and then.
  • Interview buyers over the phone or answer questions that involve disclosing additional information to what is already available.
  • Receive money on your behalf or negotiate payment terms.
  • Discuss the offer made by one client with another one.

Of course, your assistant can help you with these activities and the general, secretarial tasks, but don’t give him or her responsibilities that involve dealing with sensitive information, influencing transactions or managing payments.

Keep things simple and let your virtual assistant handle the tedious but simple tasks, like cold calling, market research, phone calls and correspondence management, ad placing, etc., and you will not have to worry about breaking the law, but save a great deal of time and stress. You can certainly put your energy to better use!