What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Real Estate Commission

Just like pretty much all the American states, Wisconsin has its own regulations regarding the activity of real estate professionals, including their right to hire a real estate virtual assistant and the tasks such an assistant can perform on their behalf.

Thus, according to the Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services, a virtual assistant can:

  • Answer and forward phone calls, take messages or schedule meetings for you, no matter if the person calling is a property owner or a potential client.
  • Prepare and send documents for signing and requesting key duplicates when necessary.
  • Help you advertise for properties, by creating promotional materials for you to approve them, placing ads to websites and publications you choose, and listing properties on dedicated websites.
  • Gather information on auctions, foreclosures, market tendencies and maintenance services and centralize it for you in weekly reports.

Obviously, depending on your needs and the specific of your activity, you could assign other tasks to your assistant. For example, if you have a website, your assistant could write the blog posts. If you advertise for properties on social media, he or she could interact with customers or post photos and update statuses.

The activities that cannot be performed by the real estate assistant, namely those that require a license, are listed at chapter 452 of the “Real Estate Practice” book. They mostly involve revealing classified information, negotiating financial and administrative details, showing properties and hosting open houses (these are outside the reach of a virtual assistant anyway).

If you monitor your assistant’s activity closely and handle your negotiations and clients relations by yourself, you really have nothing to worry about, but much more time to make money or do the things you like, so how about you check a few offer for real estate virtual assistance and see what they are all about?