What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In West Virginia!

West_Virginia Real Estate Commission

If you have dismissed the idea of hiring a personal assistant worried that it would imply high costs, perhaps it is time to consider hiring a virtual assistant. What is a virtual assistant? Basically, this is a personal assistant you hire online, who works for you but only takes over responsibilities that can be performed online or over the phone.

You do not need an office in West Virginia to hire one, and the salary you have to pay to that person is usually much lower than what you would have to pay to a personal assistant. This is because the real estate virtual assistant does not receive commissions, but a fix salary, directly proportional with the number of hours spent working for you or the tasks undertaken.

You do have to supervise your unlicensed assistant and make sure that your cooperation follows the regulations in force in the state of West Virginia, the Real Estate Commission here having stipulated clearly which activities can or cannot be performed by unlicensed personnel.

For example, your virtual assistant can:

  • Schedule meetings in your name with potential property buyers or sellers;
  • Type and print the documents necessary for the transactions, after you approve them;
  • Prepare ads, flyers and brochures and show them to you so that you can approve them, and distribute them after you approve them.
  • Gather market data and prepare reports on a weekly basis.
  • Order repairs or services for the properties that need them, at your request, etc..

Your virtual assistant is not allowed to negotiate transaction terms, reveal information that was not published by you, advertise on your behalf, sign closing papers or act on your behalf when dealing with potential clients or the local authorities.