What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Utah

Utah Division of Real Estate

Every real estate agent or broker gets overwhelmed with work at a certain point and could use a helping hand. Some choose to hire a personal assistant, others hire real estate beginners who are struggling to get their own license and could use some guidance and experience in the field. There are also professionals who have discovered the benefits of having a virtual personal assistant and can no longer conceive their activity without one.

No matter in which category you fit, you have to know and follow the regulations issued by the Utah Real Estate Commission regarding the activities in the field that can be performed by unlicensed personnel.

If your real estate virtual assistant does not comply with these regulations and performs activities for which a license is required on your behalf, you will be the one paying the consequences.

Here are the things a virtual assistant is allowed to perform in the state of Utah:

  • Help advertise for open houses – your virtual assistant can help you design and distribute promotional materials, but only under your direct supervision and without revealing other information than what was already listed or approved by you.
  • Receive and send papers, without altering their content or disclosing the information they contain to third parties.
  • Organize the placing and removal of signs on the properties you handle, at your request.
  • Look for contractors, request estimates and schedule repairs at your request and only with your consent regarding the contractor and specific and price of the works.
  • Collect and centralize public information, list properties, order key duplicates, handle phone calls and correspondence.

Obviously, this list can be extended, on the condition that your assistant does not negotiate prices on your behalf, close transactions or reveal sensitive information.