What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Tennessee!

Tennessee Real Estate Commission

In most of the American states, there are specific regulations regarding the tasks that unlicensed real estate virtual assistants are and are not allowed to perform. Here are the ones set by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission:


  • Pick up the phone, forward calls and take messages; the only information they can give on available real estate is if the property is listed and who the broker in charge with selling it is;
  • Make sure that the keys for the properties listed are ready;
  • Write ads, show them to the licensee for approval and, if they are accepted, post them;
  • Make sure that the properties available for sale have adequate signs;
  • Arrange for any repairs the licensee may consider necessary;
  • Make up flyers and promotional materials, give them to the broker to approve them and then distribute them;
  • Commission checks calculation, printing and distribution.
  • Gather and check public information, such as those released by courthouses and local authorities.


  • Assume the role of the licensee and show the properties on sale or lease to potential customers;
  • Negotiate any details, financial or of other kinds;
  • Receive payments that have anything to do with real estate transactions
  • Provide clients with other information than what was already published and approved.

Real estate virtual assistants are not allowed to receive any commissions or other sorts of financial compensations than the already agreed salary, which is usually much lower than what hiring someone full time, in a physical office would cost.

It is important to note that many companies providing such services offer a number of hours of service for free, in order to allow potential clients to decide whether the investment is worth making, so the licensee has nothing to lose by testing their service.