What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do in New Mexico

New Mexico Real Estate Commission

Being a broker on the New Mexico real estate market is a challenging job. With a tight competition to worry about, office work and showings to manage, you probably feel that there are not enough hours in a day. Luckily, there is a way out of this situation, and that is hiring a virtual personal assistant.

Legally, you are allowed to benefit from the assistance of an unlicensed person, and that could unload your daily program considerably. In New Mexico, real estate virtual assistants are allowed to:

  • Get information from records and listings of public companies for you;
  • Help create and distribute presentation materials for the open houses you host;
  • Review and spread the information you approve and want to share;
  • Deliver documents to the associate brokers or qualifying brokers for you;
  • Take care of the paperwork and information transfer between buyers and sellers, once you have approved it ;
  • Creating advertising materials for you and for your buyers, in order to make your business known and submitting them to you for approval before publishing them in classified periodicals or online;
  • Search for specialized contractors and schedule inspections, maintenance or repair works on the properties you manage, with your approval;
  • Monitor the receipt and transfer of funds according to your instructions and following the status of any loans or mortgages meant to fund the transactions you handle.
  • Type documents such as purchase and listing agreements, after you have them ready.

The considerable amount of time you would save by delegating these responsibilities to a virtual real estate assistant can be invested in showings, negotiations and http://relicensebystate.com/

open houses and turned into more money, or into spare time that your loved ones would certainly like to take advantage of.