What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Nebraska

Nebraska Real Estate CommissionReal estate agents with offices in Nebraska can benefit in many ways from the hiring of personal assistants. These unlicensed individuals can help save a great degree of time, especially in the case of Nebraska, where rural flight has caused many townships, some spread far apart in area, to consolidate their real estate needs.

In order to most effectively approach the successful real estate agent’s frequent need to be in two places at once, online personal assistant programs have recently become highly valued resources for firms. These online businesses provide an online assistant that can do almost all of the actions a physica  office assistant would, including:

  • The scheduling of appointments on behalf of the licensee;
  • Preparation and distribution of documents under licensed supervision;
  • Computing commissions and performing bookkeeping activities;
  • Schedule routine maintenance calls for listings (including tornado sheltering);
  • Respond to questions -only- by quoting already published information;
  • Collect public documents concerning a listing;
  • Make sets of keys for a listing on behalf of the licensee.

Any of these common activities are sure to get in the way of effective real estate if the agent has to take care of them all by his or herself. Having an assistant handle these administrative tasks can be a great help, however, assistants are expressly forbidden from doing any of the following:

  • Host open houses or answer questions about a listing (with exception to quoting published information).
  • Explain or interpret contracts for clients.
  • Negotiate any commission on behalf of the licensee.

Receive compensation from real estate-based activities (sales bonuses, etc.) – an assistant must receive a standard salary.These laws are in place in order to make sure that the only person who is responsible for the actual real estate dealings necessary to do business in Nebraska is the individual who holds the correct certification. Hiring an online assistant service allows the agent to focus on these aspects better.