What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do In Minnesota

Minnesota Department of CommerceReal estate agents in Minnesota can enjoy a number of helpful advantages through the skillful employ of unlicensed assistants or the use of virtual assistance companies. Often, the simple repetitive administrative tasks are the ones that take the most time out of a real estate agents work, and these are exactly the kinds of jobs that can be delegated to an online assistant.

State Regulations About The Jobs That Assistants Can Be Assigned To

There are, however, very specific rules set forth by Minnesota legislature that govern exactly what personal assistant services can and cannot do. These rules apply across the state, whether the area covered by your firm encompasses the twin cities of Minneapolis-Saint Paul or the more rural agricultural areas of the state’s westward side.

Activities That Unlicensed Assistants Can Handle On The Behalf Of A Licensee

  • Disclose any factual information about a listed property if the information in question has been written down and made publicly available, for example through advertisement;
  • Write and place advertisements under licensed guidance and approval;
  • Host an open house event as a representative of the licensee;
  • Procure publicly available information from courthouses or other state entities;
  • Type and complete contracts under supervision of the licensee.

Activities That Cannot Be Performed Without A Real Estate License

  • No questions about a listed property that cannot be made with publicly available information may be answered by an assistant;
  • Purchase agreements must be drafted by a licensee;
  • Negotiations of transaction commissions and other details must be made by the licensee;
  • Contract terms and conditions may not be explained to a client or potential client by anyone other than the real estate license holder;
  • Minnesota assistants cannot receive extra compensation for real estate-related activities, including sales bonuses and commissions- they must be paid a salary.