What Unlicensed Real Estate Virtual Assistants Can Do in Delaware

Delaware Real Estate Commission

The state of Delaware does not have specific rules regarding real estate assistant services. However, the sections referring to brokers and associate brokers are very clear, and one can easily determine which the activities that do not require a Delaware license are.

How does a real estate agent work? A licensed real estate agent has a series of responsibilities that cannot be taken over by an assistant. However, the unlicensed persons can assist the agents, at their request, in carrying out some of the tasks.

For example, assistants can be present at open houses and help with the logistics – place the sign, arrange the food and the promotional materials, greet the guests, but they cannot engage in conversations with the public and discuss contracts, terms and conditions. Assistants can also have keys made and open/close the properties for open houses, inspectors or contractors.

The job of an assistant to real estate agent is mainly related to office work. Assistants can pick up the phone, take messages for the licensee, call and schedule inspections, repair and maintenance works or make appointments for the real estate agent. An assistant might also be in charge with designing the promotional materials and creating the advertisements, but a licensee approval is needed before any publication. Under the directions of the broker, assistants can fill in documents and contracts.

Unlicensed assistants cannot perform the following activities:

  • Sell or offer to sell real estate;
  • Buy of offer to buy real estate;
  • Negotiate the sale, purchase or exchange of properties;
  • Rent or lease properties;
  • Offer to rent or lease real estate;
  • Negotiate rental or leases agreements.

For all the above activities, a license is required, and brokers are not allowed to employ assistants to carry them out.